
Ridiculous.  I've been getting the Gaming for Windows Marketplace Live error Code: 80154002 and couldn't play GTA IV as a result.  I had no idea why I was getting this error.

Turns out it was because I hadn't finished activating/setting up my Xbox account.  Sign in failed, and the webpage where that problem possibly used to be explained is a dead link on an old Xbox site.

So if you're getting 80154002:

1. Navigate to the Windows Games Marketplace website
2. Sign in using your email and password
3. Activate your account (accept EULA)
4. Fill out any forms it's making you fill out (also maybe set your gaming name)
4. Try logging into to GWML - it should work!

Hope that helps.

Can't believe the forum posts out there were so unhelpful and obtuse . . .

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